Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone, I hope you continue to have a great holiday week / weekend.  Even with the short week, there is a few things to bring everyone up to speed on, so let’s get started…


Time to give some thanks to our hard working crews:

I want to end this week by telling you what I’m personally thankful for this year.  My wife and clean PET scans, my family and friends, my co-workers, and the opportunity to serve you in this capacity.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend and I’m pretty sure the 5lbs I lost in the last few weeks has found its way back into my life (funny how that happens).

As always, we thank you for what you do (kicking-butt and taking names), why you do it ( some genetic abnormality), and for always showing why you are truly the best Fire Department in the Country.

Very Respectfully,

Kurtis R. Wilson

Chief of Operations
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department