Some interesting things are going on this week, so let’s get started.


·         SAFER—We’re very proud to announce Jacksonville has been awarded $5,945,513 dollars to hire new firefighters!!!  Congratulations to everyone in Emergency Preparedness who worked diligently on preparing for the application and to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make it a reality.  Attached is a fact sheet about the grant.


·         New Station 62 --goes live Monday at 0800.  The station will still have contractors working, but all major components are a go.  To say the citizens of that part of town are now better served would be an understatement.  New Engine and Rescue 62 are a much needed addition to our department.  Thank you to all that made this happen and to Captains Kotsis, Long, and Danley for working out the apparatus and response issues.  A huge thanks to Gary Daly, who has been literally living in 62 to make sure it opens on time, to Ed Auld for completing all the CAD tasks, and to James Gunnoe for handling the ITD issues.  It truly takes a small army of individuals to bring a new station online and hopefully in this new budget year, we will get to do it all over again with Station 61 at Old Middleburg and Collins Rd!


·         Phase 1 of ISO Consultant---is complete.  This company has successfully helped dozens of departments nationwide improve their PPC (Public Protection Class) rating.  Part two of a contract will be to complete a 50 year drought study on our identified alternative water supplies.  This is where the hose tenders come into play.  As we move forward, there will be some policy changes or terminology changes that might confuse some because it hasn’t been the way we have done things in the past.  The ISO rating test is a 1500 page document.  If you do not answer to their terminology, you do not get credit.  For example, during our last re-rating they did not recognize station 48 as a fire station because it only had 3 firefighters assigned, and another eight stations because they didn’t have bay heaters!  Remember that?  I was running around town buying space heaters so we could get credit for those stations.  We had to move a tanker to 48 or the Port would have  gone to a 10!  This is the kind of things I’m talking about.  Now with this cross-lay bulletin that just came out, I’ve already received call’s challenging that to be true.  We’re looking into it a I truly appreciate the calls.  Here’s some other info about the consultants findings…


o   ISO changed the way they rate departments in July of 2013.

o   Three areas receive a score

§  Communications—10%

§  Water Supply—40%

§  Fire Response—50%

o   The Consultants’ document is 24 pages and we will get it out to you this week.   The point to remember is basically we are already a Class 1 Department.  I know you didn’t need me to remind you that you are truly world class.  But in order to get credit for that and reduce Duval County’s insurance rates, we will need to pass ISO’s test using their terminology, not ours.


·         Suppression Captains List---Should be out this Friday.  We will have a large transfer bulletin again as the Squads go live the same time.  I am about 90% complete on finding homes for everyone being displaced.  I will be making all the remaining calls and visits this week prior to the bulletin; no surprises….I promise.


·         Squads---a bulletin will be out early this week detailing the new Squads and their mission.  I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but it’s important to me that JFRD once again raises the bar as it relates to firefighter survival and rapid intervention techniques.  These new Squads will set the benchmark in those areas.  The rank insignia for officers assigned to the Squads will be axes.


Well that’s it for this weeks’ weekend edition part 3.  I keep running out of time to finish these on Friday.  Please be careful as the W3’s are beginning to pick back up as daily occurrences. It’s important to me to remind everyone of the sacrifices our folks and others make daily.  Sometimes it seems as if these WIR’s can be a little heavy on the heart.  So for this week I’ll leave you with this short video and hopefully a smile on your face;  we all could use a little more cowbell now and then…


As always, we thank you for what you do, why you do it, and for always being a Class 1 Fire Rescue Department!


Very respectfully,


Kurtis R. Wilson

Chief of Operations

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department