Greetings everyone and Happy Independence Day!  I hope this email finds you well.  Not too much going on but we are losing another round of our folks to retirement, which is always good to see and we wish them the best.  I will be off Thursday and Friday on vacation, so I got this out early.

If you call a W3 and quickly knock down the fire or do not need further units en route , please do not downgrade the call to a W2 and then keep 5 units on scene; keep it a W3 and cx as needed.  This is still a W3 by definition and it skews our calls at the end of the year.  We pull data each year for NFPA and others to determine how many working fires we have.  If it was a W3 when you got there, then it was a working fire.  By downgrading a W3 to a W2 yet still using multiple units on scene does not accurately reflect the number of working fires we respond to.  By downgrading after the fact, our numbers show a downward trend in working fires when actually, we should be trending upwards.  If you call W3, then call a W2 for first engine and ladder…that’s fine.  Thank you for your help in this at it truly helps us all. 

Time to give some recognition:


Let’s see some of the runs we’ve gone on this week:

Do you know what the 4th of July means? Of course you do but did you know this?

So I guess it’s safe to say… Thomas Jefferson and John Adams probably did not die in a car wreck together, born on the 4th of July is not just another Tom Cruise movie, I know what most of you will be eating this weekend (me too), you really cannot un-ring a bell, and how glad are we Benjamin Franklin didn’t have a say in our national bird / symbol of our freedom decision?  Screaming Turkey’s or  soaring with the gobblers anyone? Lol.

Well that’s it for this WIR.  Please continue to have your thoughts and prayers with our folks as some are truly having tough times.  I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend and I hope you get to spend it with family and friends eating hotdogs. 

As for the bathroom remodel, I grouted in the baseboards (that is the way it was done before) and now she wants them raised.  Forgive her Lord as she knows not what she asks.  She has no idea what a pain in the butt that is.  Also, I saw Home Depot was selling our toilet paper as 30 grit sandpaper this week and then I realized why it’s called John Wayne TP: it’s rough, tough, and takes crap off no one.  But it does just fine finishing drywall repair! J

Sometimes we are called on for things not normally assigned to a fire department function.

Yesterday, the crew of E49 responded to a call for an assist a citizen when two ladies were in distress over a trapped duckling.  It would have been easy to drive off and say that is not our responsibility but they went above and beyond for that, I thank you.  Here is a link to the story…

As always, we thank you for what you do, why you do it, and for always showing why you are truly the Best Fire Rescue Department in the Country!

Happy Independence Day and Very Respectfully,

Kurtis R. Wilson

Chief of Operations

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department