On Thursday January 16th, 2014, JFRD was conducting company officer meetings at the Training Academy and part of the meeting I was discussing the importance of the new Squad concept and bringing RIT and firefighter survival training back to JFRD.  During that same time, two firefighters from Toledo, OH became lost and trapped during a two story apartment fire.  The link from the audio from their mayday call is below.  Unfortunately they did not survive.  A RIT team was assembled and rescue efforts launched once it became apparent the two were lost.

This morning a fire occurred at a restaurant in Regency which became a second alarm.  A Mayday was given for a crew trapped in high heat and low visibility.  Fortunately, a rescue rope was utilized going into the building and was found by the personnel trying to leave;  JFRD was blessed again,  Toledo was not.


On Saturday, February 1st, JFRD will launch the new Squad initiative to focus on rapid intervention techniques and firefighter survival.  The new positions and mission statement is basic in its approach:  to protect those protecting others.  Once established and all the equipment purchased, look for the Squads to begin training with all JFRD companies on firefighter survival and rapid intervention.






News Story



As always, thank you for what you are doing and be safe!


Very Respectfully,

Kurtis R. Wilson

Chief of Operations
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department